Testimonial: Matti Ländén

Skill training is an essential element of physical fitness development and a great tool for maintaining and improving functional capacity regardless of age.

Skill training benefits people of all ages!

A well-known fact is that in the life cycle of a person, in his 30s or so, the decline in physical fitness and function begins. The steepness and pace of the downhill is influenced by the genetics, lifestyle and especially the quantity and quality of physical training. Physical fitness consists of endurance, strength, speed, mobility and skill. Unfortunately, it often happens that as the mileage increases, the amount of movement decreases, the pace fades and the effectiveness decreases. Often exercise is random and mostly
focused on endurance – good that even so! But if we want to maintain our ability to function even as we age, we should not forget about the other areas of fitness; strength, mobility, speed and skill! Regular skill training improves mobility, helps maintain strength levels as well as speed. Of course, practicing these three components specifically improves overall performance. With skill training, even the aging remain agile which translates into climbing stairs efficiently, getting in and out of the car smoother, changing tires more effortlessly, getting up from the bed easier and so on Skill training can be seamlessly integrated into activities such as skiing, fitness training, nordic walking or utilized on its own. It was a great pleasure to build a Taitoc For Life -program for older people (work title: Skill Restoration Program for former youth) with Olli Cajan. Skill training is an essential element of physical fitness development and a great tool for maintaining and improving functional capacity regardless of age.

Matti Ländén
Professional teacher (retired)
Occupational wellness coach, (supervisor-developer-coach)
Coach A, PT FiSaF international Certificate